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  • Jun 15, 2017

    Let No One Play You Small

    While I wish it were different, there will always be people who seek to lift themselves up by pulling others down. They aren’t necessarily bad people – more often they are operating out of a deep-seated fear of their own inadequacy. Making others feel inferior,

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  • May 01, 2017

    Lean Into The Curves

    What does it take to make God laugh? Tell him your plans. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying. Well let’s just say that God has been having a good old chuckle at me over the last week because guess what? I’m moving to Singapore. And

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  • Feb 21, 2017

    When Bravery Doesn’t Pay Off

    Yes, “Fortune favors the bold." But that doesn't mean every risk we take will be immediately rewarded. Sometimes when we take a deep dive out of our comfort zone into the water below, we land flat on our face. The question is, what to do

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  • Jan 24, 2017

    Don't assume. Ask!

    Ever find yourself feeling resentful at people for what they do... or fail to do? Perhaps your boss just puts too much on your plate or doesn’t pay you what you're worth. Maybe a co-worker, friend or family member continually oversteps boundaries, or continually asks favors of you but

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  • Jan 10, 2017

    Build Your Courage Muscles

    Courage is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets. And in our increasingly fearful world, it's a muscle we must practice daily. Here's 7 ways to help you do just that. Of course while fear  often gets a bad rap,

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  • Jan 04, 2017

    How Will You Show Up For Life?

    "First say to yourself what would you BE, and then do what you have to DO." - Epiticus It's great to focus on what you want to accomplish in the year ahead. Habits you want to start. Or quit. Goals you want to achieve. Changes you

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  • Dec 19, 2016

    Risk More Rejection

    When I met Teresa while running a leadership program at her company, she was miserable in her job as a risk analyst and had been for over 12 months. A year earlier she had applied for more senior position in her firm. When it was given to

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  • Sep 29, 2016

    Make Big Plans, Just Use Pencil

    I’ve been doing a lot of rejigging of plans this week. I had big plans for a jam packed trip to the US in a few weeks, including day in Vegas to speak at a leadership conference. Due to some pretty major stuff that’s happened with

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  • Sep 22, 2016

    Rethink Possible

    When I was living in Washington D.C., I landed a regular advice segment on the national cable show RLTV (Retirement Living TV). I knew their market was 'seniors' but I recall shuddering when the producer defined seniors as "50 plus". While I was further from 50

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  • Aug 22, 2016

    Run Your Own Best Race

    Do not waste time focusing on the gifts or good luck of others. Focus only on making the most of your own. One of my favorite images from the Olympics was of South African Chad Le Clos in the 200m butterfly final glancing across to

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  • Jul 14, 2016

    Your Failures Don't Define You

    ONCE UPON A TIME, about one hundred years ago, a partially deaf four year old kid came home from school with a note in his pocket from his teacher. It read: "Your Tommy is too stupid to learn. We cannot have him at our school." His

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  • Jul 01, 2016

    Kilimanjaro: Testing your limits expands them

    When our guide came by our tent shortly after 3 AM to wake us up to begin the climb up Mt Kilimanjaro I’d already been awake for some time. The sleeping bags we’d rented for our week hiking to the rooftop of Africa weren’t quite

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  • Feb 19, 2016

    Richard Branson: My Time With The Man Behind The Brand

    “Every risk is worth taking as long as it’s for a good cause and contributes to a good life.” - Sir Richard Branson Maverick. Risk taker. Rebel. Trailblazing tycoon. Billionaire buccaneer. Adventurer. Disruptor. Sir Richard Branson has been called all these and many more. So

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  • Feb 18, 2016

    Hope Is A Risk That Must Be Run

    In recent months I’ve spent time with several people going through a tough time and struggling to hold on to hope and stay optimistic. Depression is tapping at the door of a few. I know there have been times over the years I’ve felt that way myself.

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  • Feb 05, 2016

    Less hate, more humanity

    "When we are no longer able to change a situation - we are challenged to change ourselves." Viktor E. Frankl, Holocaust Survivor "What's the good of hate. It only ruins you," Saba Feniger said to me as she recounted her arrival at Auschwitz and surviving the Nazi death camps which claimed the lives of all but

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  • Jan 13, 2016

    Be Intimidated By No-One

    Not long ago a woman in her 40s approached me after a speaking at her company’s annual conference to ask my advice on how to have a ‘courageous conversation’ with a colleague. After our conversation she said, “Before we talked I’d been quite intimidated by

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