Welcome to Margie's Insights and Interviews
Sep 02, 2023
Without psychological safety, fear stifles truth and courage
NASA Challenger disaster. BP’s Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Volkswagen emissions scandal. What went wrong? Investigations produced multi-layered findings. Yet beneath the complexity lay a common element. Fear. People were afraid to speak the truth. And so, they didn’t. Concerns weren’t shared, mistruths were rewarded, and
Jul 15, 2019
Leading Change From The Inside Out
In 1997 businessman Ted Turner stunned the audience at a United Nations gala dinner where he was receiving the Global Leadership Award. Without prior notice, he announced that he was donating $1 billion to the UN to help defray the effects of American arrears. It turned
Oct 05, 2016
Be Trust-Worthy: Stand By Your Beliefs
Yesterday I had the pleasure of spending a few hours with former Australian Prime Minister John Howard. We were both keynote speakers at the same conference and ended up having time together between speeches and afterward at a reception. Like every political leader, during his eleven years
Aug 11, 2016
What Would You Write On The Courage Wall? Don't Wish It. Do It.
Get a new job. Not worry about money. Eat mayo. Travel to a foreign country. Ask for help. Try out for the Princeton crew team. Bike over a volcano. Ask for Date #2. Go into a shelter. Quit my job. Tell my secrets. Love myself.
Jul 20, 2016
Win The War On Terror: Don't Fuel Fear
Terrorist attacks. Police shootings. Brexit. Political coups. Refugee crisis. Zika virus. President Trump. Let’s face it, we live in fearful times. There’s no shortage of headlines alerting us potential threats to our safety and future. Which is why, when headlines scream loudest, we must be extra vigilant
Jul 13, 2016
Choose Growth Over Comfort
Last year I was invited to interview Sir Richard Branson on his private Caribbean island. A career highlight for sure! Fortunately for me, "Just call me Richard" is incredibly down to earth person who quickly puts people at ease around him. Phew. During our interview and on