Leading Change From The Inside Out
In 1997 businessman Ted Turner stunned the audience at a United Nations gala dinner where he was receiving the Global Leadership Award. Without prior notice, he announced that he was donating $1 billion to the UN to help defray the effects of American arrears.
It turned out that individuals couldn’t contribute to the UN this way, so instead, he created the United Nations Foundation to support the mission of the UN globally.
As President and CEO of the UN Foundation, Kathy Calvin has been instrumental in bringing Ted’s vision into reality, improving the lives of millions around the world.
I had the privilege of meeting Kathy while living in the DC area and have worked with her and the UN Foundation ever since. In Kathy’s usual generous style, she shared her insights on a range of issues from bridging the gender gap to managing stress, spreading positive energy, saying no and handling mistakes when you get it wrong (as Kathy said she has many times!).
One insight she shared was that any mistake you make is only as bad as what you do afterward. Try to bury it and it will just get worse. Don’t own your part, and you’ll lose trust. The only useful response is trying to rectify it and learn all you can so you don’t repeat it!
I hope you’ll enjoy our conversation on my latest Live Brave Podcast her.