Rethink Possible

Rethink Possible

When I was living in Washington D.C., I landed a regular advice segment on the national cable show RLTV (Retirement Living TV). I knew their market was ‘seniors’ but I recall shuddering when the producer defined seniors as “50 plus”. While I was further from 50 then than I am now, I just loathed the idea that I’d be labeled a senior at 50. Heck. Isn’t 50 the new 30?

Sure our bodies change as we age, but our age is a number and it means as much as we make it mean. Whatever labels others may want to slap on us, we should never let our age define us or be an excuse not to keep growing, learning, playing and trying new things.

Man Kaur is an inspiring example of what it means to age well. A 100-year-old Indian woman, Kaur took up running at 93 on her 78-year-old son’s suggestion. She has since won over 20 medals, three of them gold at the Americas Masters Games this week.



In the video above, I talk about the importance of challenging what we see as possible for ourselves right throughout our lives. You may have already seen it, but if you haven’t, I hope you’ll take a minute to watch it, to download the Courage Pledge and, if you’re inspired, to make your own.

None of us are immune to self-doubt and our inner critic never entirely goes away (well, mine hasn’t!) We are hardwired to veer away from situations where we could risk losing face or falling short.  It’s precisely why living bravely is indispensable for living well.

When we let our fear of not having what it takes run our lives – whether it’s because we think we’re too old, too inexperienced or just not ‘enough’ in some way – we miss out on the very best of what life has to offer. Imagine if Kaur had told her son she was far too old to start running? I’ve heard people half her age say just that!

I hope this video will challenge you to rethink what is possible for you, now and well into the future.  If it inspires you, please share it with the people in your life who need a little encouragement and then ask yourself:

What would I do today if I were being brave?

No matter how old you are, how much you’ve done or how far you’ve yet to go, every single day holds an invitation for you to be a little bit braver than you have before.

The things you want most are riding on it.


Still a couple spots left at my next Live Brave Women’s Weekend. If you’d love to start 2017 with a strong sense of purpose for all that is possible for you and a game plan to make it happen, please join me and a host of big thinking women this November.  All the details here.

