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Welcome to Margie's Insights and Interviews

  • Oct 21, 2014

    Fear is not less contagious than Ebola

    There’s no doubt that the Ebola virus is deadly. It has buried thousands of helpless victims in the western region of Africa and challenged the world’s best health specialists in how best to contain its spread. News of the tragic death of the first US

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  • Aug 26, 2014

    Mother Courage: Learning a new 'Brand of Brave' as my son spreads his wings

    So early this morning I kissed my sixteen-year-old son Lachlan goodbye. He has left our nest; he has spread his wings. Despite steeling myself for months for this moment, it didn’t lessen the wrench on my heart as I waved him goodbye. I am not

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  • Jun 01, 2014

    Are you making yourself miserable? What you focus on expands!

    I have to confess that I’ve been a bit ‘emotional’ lately. I usually share my ups and downs in my blog and newsletters but in this case, I haven’t.  Quite honestly, it’s all been a bit too close to my heart to wrap any words

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  • May 22, 2014

    Beyond Facebook: Why it's important to share our struggles, not just status updates

    I've had a head cold for this week, and while I haven't been bed ridden,  my energy's been low. So last night, at 7 o'clock, after rustling together dinner for the family I was on the fence about whether to head out for a dinner

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  • Mar 25, 2014

    Do you care too much about what others think?

    As someone whose livelihood depends on people thinking well of me, I’m very conscious of what people might think about me. Will people like what I write or say? Will they think I’m too opinionated or that I harp on too much about being courageous?

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  • Feb 28, 2014

    Mental Illness: Extend compassion, not judgement

    As I awoke this morning I remembered it was my brother Peter's birthday. He would have been 35 today. The last time I spoke to him was on his 31st birthday… four years ago today. I remember trying to call him. I was at home

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  • Jan 16, 2014

    Are you stuck in default mode? Why flexibility is so crucial in the game of life

    Last night I went to the Australian Open. It was inspiring see top seeded players like Victoria Azaranka and Andy Murray move about the court. Their strength, their speed, their agility, their determination, their sheer endurance… particularly in the blazing heat that has enveloped Melbourne over

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  • Dec 31, 2013

    Wishing You A Wholehearted New Year!

    I'm going to break from the traditional Happy New Year salutation this year and, instead, wish you a Wholehearted New Year! Why? Because life is not about being forever happy, it is about becoming more whole. Of course I want you to be happy too, but I

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  • Dec 24, 2013

    Festive Family Feuds: Ten Ways To Stay Merry When Relatives Push Your Buttons

    I love my family. Most the time I really like them too. Which is why I’m excited to have twenty-six rel’s coming for Christmas lunch this year.  But I also know that family dynamics can trigger some less than merry tension among the relative ranks.

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  • Dec 18, 2013

    Feeling more frazzled than festive? Time to unplug & play!

    Ho Ho Ho!   Seasons Greetings from Melbourne where the barometer is due to hit 40C/100F today! If you're from the northern hemisphere, a heatwave may not feel very Christmas-like but it's certainly feeling very Christmassy to me! And not just because I'm in a sundress. Long

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  • Dec 11, 2013

    Q&A with Margie: Acting with courage in an increasingly busy & cautious world.

      I was recently interviewed for an article in a magazine via email. I know my answers will be edited down to fit their word count but thought you might enjoy reading through this short Q&A about courage in an increasingly time-poor world. How do you define courage?

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  • Dec 03, 2013

    Are Women More Emotionally Intelligent Than Men?

    Republished from Forbes.com It’s being described as one of the great diplomatic triumphs of this century. Iran has agreed to temporarily halt its nuclear program for six months in return for an easing of sanctions. The deal was done after weeks of diplomatic talks in

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  • Nov 20, 2013

    Personal Responsibility: Time to look in the mirror?

    We  live in an era of entitlement, blame and finger pointing. Too few people are willing to take responsibility for the state of their lives, too many are happy to lay it at the feet of others (or hire a lawyer to sue the pants

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  • Oct 07, 2013

    Twenty years married. Keepin' love alive over the long haul!

    [caption id="attachment_8658" align="alignright" width="199"] Feeling blissful at my sisters wedding 2013[/caption] Twenty years ago tomorrow I got married (yes, a child bride!). Two decades on I’m still married… and to the same man no less!  Better still, I’m as happy to be his wife as

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  • Sep 22, 2013

    Holding a grudge? How to let it go (for your own sake!)

    When someone has wronged us in some way, there is something self-satisfying about holding a grudge toward them. It helps quench our desire for justice, for getting even. After all, they don’t deserve our forgiveness; they may not even be asking for it. Why on

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  • Sep 04, 2013

    What’s Your Everest? Diana Nyad's Message: NEVER GIVE UP

    This last weekend sixty-four year old Diana Nyad fulfilled a life long dream to swim the 180 kilometres from Cuba to Key West.  Having tried and failed four times before, it was no small feat. As she crawled out of the water, her lips swollen,

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