Too ofte we make false assumptions of what others are thinking, projecting on to them our insecurities and fears. I’ve seen many people held back in their careers because they are afraid to approach or engage with people more senior to them, for no other reason than they are initimidated by their rank or status. We bring prejudices and false beliefs into our interactions with people (based on everything from the color of their skin or where they went to school, to the title on their business card) that alienate us from them and prevents us from building a relationship with them. Living with assumptions that others “are better than us”, that “they haven’t got time for the likes of us” or that “I’m just not good enough” can be very costly – to our careers, our relationships and our happiness over all.
Latest Thoughts
How powerful are you? Become Your Own Super Hero.
It is my deepest belief that we are all — and yes, that includes you — powerful beyond measure. That within you lies the resources to create positive change and accomplish extra-ordinary things. But it will require reclaiming the power you give your doubts and fears and becoming your own super hero. The thing that keeps most people stuck aren’t their circumstances or the villians in their life; but their lack of belief in their own personal power.
Neuro-Plasticity: Want To Outsmart Your Brain?
Neuro-plasticity research now proves what many have long known: that you are never too old to change, and more so, that you can rewire your brain to think in ways that lead to greater success in work, love & life.
The Ultimate Productivity Tool To Focus On
The world has changed dramatically in the last twenty years, but the value of focused effort has not. If you want to accomplish a specific goal or raise the bar on your productivity, try these four simple steps to focus your efforts and attention in a world brimming with distractions.
Are you tip-toeing through life?
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Forgiveness: Is holding on to anger holding you back?
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Got Tall Poppy Courage?
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Procrastination: How is it costing you?
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Want to build more trust in your relationships?
Emerson once wrote, “distrust is very expensive.” The fact is, without trust, influence wanes, intimacy erodes, relationships crumble, careers derail, organizations fail to prosper (and ultimately, also crumble) and, in short, nothing much works. Wherever trust is missing, opportunity is lost — opportunity to prosper, to exert influence, to deepen intimacy, to enjoy harmony, to collaborate, to foster understanding, to succeed at the very things that matter to you.
What the Japanese can teach us about courage in crisis
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Wisdom from Sorrow, Lessons from Loss… the Gift of Sadness.
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The single biggest factor that holds people back…
Two weeks ago I said yes to a morning at trapeze school. Naively as it turned out. It was absolutely terrifying! But I jumped anyway. Five times in all. And while I wouldn't race back to do it again, I'm glad I did it. Because hanging upside down 23 feet above the...
Letting our kids (family & friends) walk their own path
Last Sunday my oldest child Lachlan became a teenager. Born on February 13th… just one day short of the “Day of Love.” But I was two weeks overdue, with a belly about to burst, and when the doctor asked if I wanted to wait one a day longer so he could be born on...
Does Fear Cloud Your Intuition? The 5 Gut Instincts You Should Never Ignore
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Will 2012 be your year of living boldly? Here’s to New Year’s Resolve that Sticks!
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Presents and Presence This Holiday Season
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It’s Beef Tenderloin For Me This Thanksgiving
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Burning the Qu’ran: Why righteousness drives people to act like idiots.
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