LESSONS FOR LIVING BRAVELY | My free four-part video series to help you get unstuckSIGN UP HERE

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  • Apr 20, 2020

    Find Purpose In This Pandemic

    There’s nothing like a global pandemic to make one step back and rethink life. So while this crisis has tilted our world on its axis, leaving many feeling ungrounded and off-kilter, it’s not all bad. A lot bad, yes. But not all. My own recent

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  • Mar 24, 2020

    When Fear Runs High

    Last Friday my husband went to the doctor. He had a mild fever and occasional cough. In ordinary times, he would have just pushed through. But these are no ordinary times. He had flown into Singapore two days earlier from the United States where three

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  • Jan 20, 2020

    Strength In Adversity

    Let’s face it, sometimes life can throw us curve balls. Big ones. The devastating fires that continue to burn across large swathes of Australia are a case in point. For me, and for so many others. Two weeks ago, while visiting my parents in East

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  • Dec 17, 2019

    2020 Vision: Set Your Life Compass!

    Growing up on my parents' small dairy farm, the vision I had for my life extended little further than the back paddock. I knew there was a lot of world out there but it was just impossible to imagine all the possibilities it held.  Since

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  • Dec 06, 2019

    Be Brave In Your Conversations

    When I was in my twenties, I left what could have been a promising job (and career path) largely because I was too afraid to confront an issue that was weighing me down. It was all just too hard, too scary, too awkward. So I

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  • Sep 13, 2019

    Courage Amid Grief

    It’s often said that no parent should have to bury their child; it defies the natural order of life. Yet, to bury your own child after they have been brutally murdered by their own father inflicts a primal wound on the heart beyond what most

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  • Aug 08, 2019

    The Soul Of Money

    Growing up on a small dairy farm, one of seven kids, money was often scarce. I used to envy the city kids who’d visit our area each summer. If only my parents were rich like theirs’. If only I could have designer jeans. If only

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  • Jul 15, 2019

    Leading Change From The Inside Out

    In 1997 businessman Ted Turner stunned the audience at a United Nations gala dinner where he was receiving the Global Leadership Award. Without prior notice, he announced that he was donating $1 billion to the UN to help defray the effects of American arrears. It turned

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  • May 30, 2019

    Speak with Power, Poise & Impact

    Many people confide in being more afraid of public speaking than they are of death. This is a little disturbing as it essentially implies that if you were at a funeral, you’d prefer to be the person in the casket than the person giving the

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  • May 09, 2019

    Who's In Your Tribe?

    Last weekend, women hailing from eleven countries – from Japan to Bulgaria, Israel to Argentina – joined me at my Live Brave Weekend. Being my first Live Brave Weekend outside Australia, I wasn’t sure how it would differ from the others.  It was on a

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  • Apr 15, 2019

    Unleash Your Power

    William James, considered the founding father of modern day psychology, once today his students at Harvard that most people live in a highly restricted circle of their fullest potential. He cited the number one reason as being a lack of faith in themselves. James observation

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  • Mar 19, 2019

    Train the Brave

    Have you ever looked back and wished you’d been braver? I certainly have. It’s one of the many reasons I do what I do because I know how very easy it is to let our fear and doubt call the shots – in our relationships,

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  • Feb 11, 2019

    Don’t Let Doubt Win

    In his wonderful book The War of Art, author Steven Pressfield talked about how we all have two lives. The one we are living and the one we might have lived had we overcome what he calls the ‘Resistance’ - his word for doubt-filled excuses

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  • Feb 02, 2019

    Lead From Within

    The tone of political discourse, particularly in America, has descended to new lows in recent years. Little wonder so many Americans (and non-Americans) I meet share their dismay and express a deep desire for leadership that transcends partisan bickering and for leaders to elevate debate

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  • Jan 24, 2019

    Embrace The Gift In Your Struggles

    In my work, I often get to meet some pretty extraordinary people. Some are well known, others less so. But a common thread that binds the people who inspire me most is the challenges they’ve had to overcome. Which brings me to my most recent

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  • Dec 31, 2018

    Set Your Sights On A Brave New Year

    Happy New Year! It’s hard to believe a new year is upon us. I know for me, I feel like it was a minute ago that I was bidding farewell to 2017… and yet here we are… in 2019! As you know, I have a

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