Don’t Let Doubt Win
In his wonderful book The War of Art, author Steven Pressfield talked about how we all have two lives. The one we are living and the one we might have lived had we overcome what he calls the ‘Resistance’ – his word for doubt-filled excuses we make to not do the things we’d love to do if only we had the courage.
In my latest podcast, I share five strategies to help you quiet your inner critic and rise above that doubt-filled voice in your head that keeps you resisting doing the very thing you most need to do. You know the one, it keeps you stuck, second-guessing yourself, settling and stops you from…
Addressing that issue
Setting up that meeting
Pitching that idea
Writing that book
Trusting your gut
Asking for that promotion
Joining that club
Extending that invitation
Diving into that relationship
Setting that boundary
Submitting that proposal
Pursuing that calling
Putting yourself ‘out there’ in some way.
In doing so, it stands between you and the life that you could be living. It also keeps you from discovering how little reason you ever had to doubt yourself to begin with.
I speak from experience here. I remember when I was thinking of writing my first book. My head was filled with doubt. Who was I to write a book? I hardly knew where to put the apostrophes. And besides, there were sooo many other books out there with such a similar message. I was just a no-name stay-at-home mum of four kids. I mean, who was I kidding?
But then I decided, how could I write a book on being brave if I wasn’t willing to step through my fears and doubts and risk making a total fool of myself and being totally inadequate for the task.
I’m so glad I did. As writing Find Your Courage changed the game for me. I’d never have written it had I let that voice of doubt call the shots.
Here’s to finding your own courage and reclaiming the power you’ve given to your own doubts.
Because what you want most – in every aspect of your life – is riding on it!