Latest Thoughts

What Makes You Feel Alive?

What Makes You Feel Alive?

Several years ago I decided to run my first Live Brave Weekend for women, and subsequently, other Live Brave programs for women and men.  The idea for them came after realizing that many people could benefit from a deeper, more transformative experience than my...

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Dare to Wing It

Dare to Wing It

Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, credits Amazon’s explosive growth with his high-velocity decision making; he makes decisions with only 70% of key information. To some, that may seem a little foolhardy. To others, it’s just evidence of the importance of being willing to...

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Reset Your Compass

Reset Your Compass

Wow, it's hard to believe we are over half way through 2018. I realized over the weekend that, amid all my travels this year (five trips across the globe and counting) I've got distracted from some of the commitments I made to myself earlier this year. But you know...

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Ditch Looking Good For Doing Good

Ditch Looking Good For Doing Good

Aloha from Hawaii where I’ve just spoken to a fabulous group of leaders from Berkshire Hathaway. If you aren’t familiar with the name, you are probably familiar with their chairman and founder Warren Buffett. One of the things I admire most about Warren is his...

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The Deathbed Test

The Deathbed Test

Two weeks ago I got an email from the dean of academics at my daughters’ school notifying me that she was to be inducted into her school’s Cum Laude academic honor society. They looked forward to seeing my husband and me there. Maddy is finishing high school in...

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WomenWill Press For Progress

WomenWill Press For Progress

When Google invited me to fly to Japan to be a champion for their Womenwill program, it was an easy 'yes’. First up, I’d never been to Japan before. Second, I care a lot about helping women step into their power as change-makers. So like I say, it was an easy yes!...

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Move From Dreaming To Doing

Move From Dreaming To Doing

For seven long years, Brenda Keane sat on her dream of having her own line of activewear. She had a strong feeling that there were many women, with curvy figures like herself, that were desperate to find fun, colorful (and functional!) activewear, but her fear of...

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Message From Myanmar:  Be The Change

Message From Myanmar: Be The Change

Last week I took my daughter, Maddy to Myanmar. My mother-in-law, Diana, was born in Burma (Myanmar’s name until 1989) so I’ve long been curious about the country that had fallen from one of Asia’s more prosperous countries to one of its poorest. As we walked around...

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Own Your ‘Enoughness’

Own Your ‘Enoughness’

I arrived back from an incredible few days in Tokyo with Google to kick off their Womenwill program. The mission of Womenwill is to elevate women around the world and leverage the technology to inspire and empower women economically and socially. Of course, there are...

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5 Intuitive Ways to Discern Good Advice From Bad

5 Intuitive Ways to Discern Good Advice From Bad

Let’s face it. If you’re looking for advice, you’ll find no shortage of it—on how to invest your money, raise your kids or navigate your next career move. I’ve been given copious amounts of advice over the years. “You should always wear red,” one branding expert told...

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7 Keys To Make Changes That Stick In 2018!

7 Keys To Make Changes That Stick In 2018!

"I don’t do resolutions,” Jane told me last week. “What’s the point? I never keep them.” You probably know a few people like Jane yourself. Perhaps you’re one of them! In your heart, you know you want to make changes in your life, but year after year you keep being...

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Shelve The Shoulds

Shelve The Shoulds

This time of year comes with a lot of expectations, social pressures and family traditions - some of which can suck the joy from the festive season and leave us feeling stressed out, burnt out and anything but Merry come December 25th. When you feel the pressure to...

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Quiet Your Inner Critic

Quiet Your Inner Critic

You are probably familiar with the words of my friend Marianne Williamson. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.” It’s a...

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What Dad Taught Me About Thanksgiving

What Dad Taught Me About Thanksgiving

It’s Thanksgiving week, at least for all Americans, so I thought I’d pen a few thoughts on gratitude to mark this special holiday. My dad, who isn't an American but married my mum who is, taught me the most lessons I've ever learned about Thanksgiving. Over the years...

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Live From Purpose

Live From Purpose

If you're reading this, chances are you're someone who wants to do well in your work and be paid well for it. But you also want more than that. You want to feel that it serves some purpose greater than a paycheck or a position. Albert Einstein said, “Ever more today...

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Dealing with Emotional Vampires

Dealing with Emotional Vampires

Over the years I’ve been asked to do interviews on a whole range of topics but it's at Halloween that the topic of emotional vampires tends to come up. It’s a little kitsch but the media love things like that! (I’ve shared an interview from a few years ago below)....

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Who’s In Your Tribe?

Who’s In Your Tribe?

Think about the people in your life who you can count on to encourage you to do more and be more than you may otherwise believe. Now just imagine if you had double that amount of people cheering you on and supporting your success? As human beings, we are innately...

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Overcome Negativity Bias

Overcome Negativity Bias

My daughter Maddy has often reminded me of the time I was late for her pre-school dance recital. Admittedly I should have left home sooner and I should have factored in that the car park would be full. But I didn’t. By the time I parked two blocks away, unbuckled my...

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Suffering From ‘Best-Self’ Fatigue?

Suffering From ‘Best-Self’ Fatigue?

Greetings from Palm Springs! I’m here to speak at the Anytime Fitness Conference where I’m surrounded by 2,000+ fitness professionals. It's an interesting experience that's required me to practice my own advice and "own my enoughness" because I've been feeling...

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Whether you want to make a change, grow your leadership, or better the world, The Courage Gap is your roadmap to close the gap between who you are and who you’re meant to be. 

If you ever wish you felt braver, this podcast is for you. You’ll gain inspiration from a host of incredible leaders. I also share my own insights on how to be a bit braver in our relationships, leadership, and life.

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