by Margie | May 27, 2015 | Lead Purposefully, Speak Bravely
A woman recently came up to me after a talk to tell me how miserable she is in her job. “But it’s been impossible for me to get a new job,” she said “There’s just nothing out there. Absolutely nothing.” While I had no way to...
by Margie | May 19, 2015 | Build Resilience, Live Passionately, Speak Bravely
Change is never easy, even change for the better. It’s why so many people choose to stay in jobs they loathe, in relationships that chip away at their self-confidence or sticking to habits that rob years from their life, rather than embrace the uneasiness, uncertainty...
by Margie | Apr 20, 2015 | Live Passionately, Speak Bravely
A friend recently shared with me how she’d heard via her teenage son that one of his friends had been dabbling with drugs. She knew his parents would want to know but was nervous about how they’d react. She considered sending a text – it seemed...