Why You Must Risk Vulnerability.

Why You Must Risk Vulnerability.

“There can be no vulnerability without risk; there can be no community without vulnerability; there can be no peace, and ultimately no life, without community.” Scott Peck, Author of The Road Less Travelled This morning I got an email from an editor at O...
Are you tip-toeing through life?

Are you tip-toeing through life?

“Most folks tiptoe through life only to make it safely to death.” – Eleanor Roosevelt A woman I run with was telling me about her brother and sister-in-law’s fear that their two school aged children might be kidnapped.  I asked if they were...
Here I Am!

Here I Am!

Greetings! I’ve been resisting creating a blog for about two years now. Frankly I figured it just wasn’t something that people would want to visit. I mean I know myself “I just don’t do blogs.” But it seems that every second person I got...