Quiet Your Inner Critic

Quiet Your Inner Critic

You are probably familiar with the words of my friend Marianne Williamson. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.”...
Dealing with Emotional Vampires

Dealing with Emotional Vampires

Over the years I’ve been asked to do interviews on a whole range of topics but it’s at Halloween that the topic of emotional vampires tends to come up. It’s a little kitsch but the media love things like that! (I’ve shared an interview from a few years ago...
Handle Criticism Better

Handle Criticism Better

“It is important to learn how to take criticism seriously but not personally.” ― Hillary Clinton It’s great advice. Yet if you’ve ever been criticized (and let’s face it, who hasn’t?), you’ll know that being told “not to take it personally” often does little to soften...
Let No One Play You Small

Let No One Play You Small

While I wish it were different, there will always be people who seek to lift themselves up by pulling others down. They aren’t necessarily bad people – more often they are operating out of a deep-seated fear of their own inadequacy. Making others feel inferior,...
Your Words Shape Your Reality

Your Words Shape Your Reality

“I can’t break up with him. I just can’t,” Sue told me, “It will just kill him.” “Sue I’m not a doctor but I’m pretty sure breaking off your engagement won’t kill him. It may be very upsetting for a while, but his heart will continue to beat and so will yours,” I...