by Margie | Jan 7, 2016 | Latest Thoughts, Live Passionately
Ask many people how they are and they’ll quickly give you an answer that’s something like this: “Busy. Really busy.” I mean, who isn’t right? Being being has become synonymous with being of value. The busier you are, the more important...
by Margie | Dec 29, 2014 | Live Passionately
“I don’t do resolutions,” my friend Jane told me recently. “What’s the point? I never keep them.” You probably know a few people like Jane yourself. Perhaps you’re one of them! Given that fewer less than 50% people who make resolutions ever keep them until...
by Margie | May 31, 2011 | Live Passionately, Work Courageously
Over the last few months I have given myself a self-diagnosis of A.D.D. While I’m not sure that I meet the criteria to make me a hardcore case of Attention Deficit Disorder, I certainly have been struggling with “Attention Distraction Disorder.” And...