Everyday Courage

Everyday Courage

If we aren’t growing and changing then we cannot possibly thrive in this magnificent and mysterious experience we call life.

If you do a quick audit of your life right now (your work, relationships, well-being, finances, home life, social life & daily joy), any area in which you feel a lack of satisfaction is an area of life that is calling on you to change in some way.

To change how you see yourself.
To change how you express yourself.
To change how you view your circumstances.
To change how you perceive others.
To change you how see the world.
To change how you engage in it on a daily basis.

All of which takes a hearty dose of courage.

Of course courage can mean many things. But no matter where you are right now, every single day you have opportunities to act with more of it.

Every single day you have opportunities to act with more courage.

Please take 60 seconds to watch the video below which features women I’ve interviewed for RawCourage.TV sharing what courage means to them. Then comment below to let me know what courage has come to mean for you in your life.


One thing I know for sure is that every worthwhile endeavor calls for courage. Whether it is raising a family, building a business, exiting a relationship, starting a new one, bouncing back from adversity, changing jobs or changing the world – each require risking your vulnerability for something of more importance: your happiness.

So speak your truth more bravely. Trust yourself more deeply. Live your life more bravely.

Something I hope my new book Brave (out next month!) will help you do daily.