by Margie | May 15, 2017 | Live Passionately, Speak Bravely
“I can’t break up with him. I just can’t,” Sue told me, “It will just kill him.” “Sue I’m not a doctor but I’m pretty sure breaking off your engagement won’t kill him. It may be very upsetting for a while, but his heart will continue to beat and so will yours,” I...
by Margie | May 1, 2017 | Build Resilience, Live Passionately
What does it take to make God laugh? Tell him your plans. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying. Well let’s just say that God has been having a good old chuckle at me over the last week because guess what? I’m moving to Singapore. And guess what else? This was not in my...
by Margie | Apr 19, 2017 | Latest Thoughts, Work Courageously
When I sat down to interview Bill Marriott at Marriott’s international headquarters, I hadn’t reckoned on him turning the tables to interview me at the end. As you will see from our exchange, one of the things I shared with him is my belief that failure is never final...
by Margie | Apr 7, 2017 | Latest Thoughts, Live Passionately
Is sweating unimportant decisions keeping you from making smarter ones? I’ve just returned to Australia after a very rewarding but not very restful 6 days in the US. As a ‘frequent flyer’ I’ve learnt the importance of giving myself permission to make...
by Margie | Mar 6, 2017 | Latest Thoughts, Women Rising
Happy International Women’s Day! We are women. Hear us roar. Some days. Other days, not so much. In fact, there’s a lot of days that we spend a large majority of time second guessing our decisions, questioning our value, beating ourselves up or talking ourselves...