by Margie | Dec 6, 2017 | Build Resilience, Live Passionately
You are probably familiar with the words of my friend Marianne Williamson. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.”...
by Margie | Sep 15, 2017 | Latest Thoughts, Live Passionately
Greetings from Palm Springs! I’m here to speak at the Anytime Fitness Conference where I’m surrounded by 2,000+ fitness professionals. It’s an interesting experience that’s required me to practice my own advice and “own my enoughness” because...
by Margie | Jul 22, 2017 | Lead Purposefully, Work Courageously
Over the last three weeks, I’ve been in Europe enjoying the highlights of Italy, France and hiking up and down the Alps on a ‘Tour de Mt Blanc’. I’m not sure if it was brave or foolhardy, but last week we hired a van in Rome to drive up to Tuscany. Thank...
by Margie | Jul 2, 2017 | Live Passionately, Work Courageously
Leanne was recently promoted to head fashion buyer for an international clothing chain. When I rang to wish her congratulations, the first words out of her mouth were, “I’m just waiting for them to realize they made a mistake; that I don’t know near as much as they...
by Margie | May 1, 2017 | Build Resilience, Live Passionately
What does it take to make God laugh? Tell him your plans. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying. Well let’s just say that God has been having a good old chuckle at me over the last week because guess what? I’m moving to Singapore. And guess what else? This was not in my...