How To Thrive Under Pressure

How To Thrive Under Pressure

As a kid, my dad often took me fishing in his rusty tin boat. Every now and again it would spring a leak. Dad was always creative in finding ways to plug the leak until we returned to shore. Blue tack. Candy. One time he used an apple. He’d often say, ‘Boats don’t...
Choose Faith Over Fear

Choose Faith Over Fear

As I’ve soaked in the spendor of Colorado’s Rocky Mountains over the last week, many times I’ve thought back to this time last year when my future was mired with uncertainty. On more than one occasion I’ve felt like pinching myself.  Not just because of...
Live The Life You Have, Not The One You Want

Live The Life You Have, Not The One You Want

“In an ideal world we’d all be back in the office in September,” a client said to me last week, bemoaning the disruption the Delta variant has created for ‘back to office’ plans. Of course in ‘an ideal world’, we’d not have had this pandemic to begin...
Turn Your Compassion Inward

Turn Your Compassion Inward

You’re such an idiot. Seriously, when will you ever figure this out. You’re just not (good-smart-together-accomplished-successful-Fill-in-the-blank) enough. You’re a lousy presenter/parent/partner/person/(fill in the blank) How often have you heard a little...
Risk More Rejection

Risk More Rejection

My daughter Maddy rang me last night while I was at dinner. “I’ve missed out on another summer internship,” she said, her voice flat with disappointment. This was not her first “We regret to inform you” letterand chances are, it won’t be her last. Tens of...