Reset Your Compass

Reset Your Compass

Wow, it’s hard to believe we are over half way through 2018. I realized over the weekend that, amid all my travels this year (five trips across the globe and counting) I’ve got distracted from some of the commitments I made to myself earlier this year. But...
Ditch Looking Good For Doing Good

Ditch Looking Good For Doing Good

Aloha from Hawaii where I’ve just spoken to a fabulous group of leaders from Berkshire Hathaway. If you aren’t familiar with the name, you are probably familiar with their chairman and founder Warren Buffett. One of the things I admire most about Warren is his...
Quiet Your Inner Critic

Quiet Your Inner Critic

You are probably familiar with the words of my friend Marianne Williamson. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.”...