by Margie | Jan 26, 2016 | Brave Parenting
Let me begin by saying that I am not an educational specialist, child psychologist, school counsellor, ex-teacher, parenting expert or athletic coach. However as a mother of three teens and one ‘teen-wannabee’, I often see parents get a little (or lot!)...
by Margie | Dec 2, 2015 | Live Passionately
Earlier this week I spent an evening with Oprah. Yes, just me and Oprah… and about 12,000 of her other Australian fans. Having admired Oprah for many years, I’d been mildly nervous that I had my expectations set too high. I needn’t have worried. What...
by Margie | Oct 19, 2015 | Lead Purposefully, Live Passionately
On Sunday I decided to ‘show up’ at the starting line for the Melbourne half-marathon (21 kms, 13 miles). I’d been on the fence about whether to go ahead with it as, in between all my recent travels, I’d fallen off the rails with my training. But show up I did with...
by Margie | Oct 14, 2015 | Live Passionately, Speak Bravely
Need to find some “Tall Poppy Courage?” If you live in Australia, or have ever travelled here, you’ll have heard of the Tall Poppy Syndrome. It may sound like a medical condition, but it’s actually a cultural one, whereby people who become too successful...
by Margie | Oct 11, 2015 | Build Resilience, Live Passionately
Growing up my mum always told me, “Margaret Mary, never compare yourself to others. It makes you either vain or bitter.” It was good advice but, like all good advice, far easier said than done. Let’s face most of we mere mortals can be a bit insecure...