by Margie | Mar 31, 2015 | Live Passionately, Speak Bravely
Yesterday my 15-year-old daughter Maddy emailed me to say she’d just received a rejection letter from McDonald’s where she’d applied for part time work. She was feeling deflated. I emailed her right back. “Maccas Shmaccas,” I said. “One day you’ll look back on...
by Margie | Jun 1, 2014 | Brave Parenting, Build Resilience, Live Passionately, Speak Bravely
I have to confess that I’ve been a bit ‘emotional’ lately. I usually share my ups and downs in my blog and newsletters but in this case, I haven’t. Quite honestly, it’s all been a bit too close to my heart to wrap any words around the tumult of mixed emotions...