Talk More, Text Less

Talk More, Text Less

A friend recently shared with me how she’d heard via her teenage son that one of his friends had been dabbling with drugs. She knew his parents would want to know but was nervous about how they’d react. She considered sending a text – it seemed...
Stop Being So Hard On Yourself

Stop Being So Hard On Yourself

Last night I tried to bake some traditional Aussie ANZAC biscuits (a.k.a. ‘cookies’) only to get distracted on email (again) and burning them (again). Needless to say, my kids could give you a long list of my shortcomings as a mother and my failings as a domestic...
Is Fear of Rejection Holding You Back?

Is Fear of Rejection Holding You Back?

Yesterday my 15-year-old daughter Maddy emailed me to say she’d just received a rejection letter from McDonald’s where she’d applied for part time work. She was feeling deflated. I emailed her right back. “Maccas Shmaccas,” I said. “One day you’ll look back on...