by Margie | Jan 17, 2025 | Uncategorized
Have you ever found yourself standing at the edge of something you knew you needed to do—knowing you needed to step up or speak up or lean in and ‘take the leap’, yet hesitating and holding back? I’ve been there. Not just in life, but quite literally, on a...
by Margie | Dec 30, 2024 | Build Resilience, Lead Purposefully, Live Passionately
Back in Australia for Christmas, I’m reminded of a moment five years ago, in early 2020, that feels both distant and vividly present. Charred leaves drifted down from an apocalyptic sky as I hurriedly helped my parents pack up their most precious belongings before...
by Margie | Dec 30, 2024 | Build Resilience, Latest Thoughts, Live Passionately
Growing up on a dairy farm, my dad often called me “bumblefoot”—it was meant as a term of endearment but that label that did what labels do… it stuck. For years I internalized it to mean I lacked all athletic talent and anything requiring coordinated physical...
by Margie | Nov 24, 2024 | Latest Thoughts, Speak Bravely
“It’s completely fine to not be around [Trump voters] and to tell them why,” said Dr. Amanda Calhoun on MSNBC. She went further, saying it’s “essential” to do so. Statements like this capture the heightened tensions of our time. They reflect the polarizing dynamics...
by Margie | May 12, 2024 | Build Resilience, Latest Thoughts, Live Passionately
Many years ago, my younger sister Anne volunteered with Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), a French medical humanitarian organization – also known as Doctors Without Borders. Anne was not long out of medical school but wanted to heed a long-held desire to help...
by Margie | Jan 31, 2024 | Latest Thoughts, Work Courageously
Failing is hard. But not near as hard as learning from it. Thomas J. Watson, former CEO of IBM, once said, “If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate.” It sounds good. Yet it’s not wholly true. Sure, risking failure is crucial for success....
by Margie | Jan 5, 2024 | Latest Thoughts, Live Passionately
“Every blade of grass has an Angel that bends over it and whispers, ‘Grow! Grow!'” I love this verse from the Talmud for its imagery as much as its encouragement. It aligns with a valuable lesson from growing up on my parent’s dairy...
by Margie | Nov 16, 2023 | Brave Interviews, Latest Thoughts, Podcast
In the 2000’s, the US Armed Forces introduced bulletproof body armor to protect American soldiers in deadly combat zones such as Iraq and Afghanistan. Yet the armor was so heavy that it weighed soldiers down and slowed their speed. General Stanley McChrystal,...
by Margie | Sep 2, 2023 | Brave Interviews, Latest Thoughts, Lead Purposefully, Speak Bravely
NASA Challenger disaster. BP’s Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Volkswagen emissions scandal. What went wrong? Investigations produced multi-layered findings. Yet beneath the complexity lay a common element. Fear. People were afraid to speak the truth. And so, they...