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  • Dec 29, 2015

    Who Will You Be In 2016? #ThreeWords

    As one year draws to an end and another one begins, there's often a lot of talk of 'resolutions.'  Habits people want to start, or end. New goals. Fresh starts. All good stuff. However I think we often get the cart before the horse. You

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  • Dec 08, 2015

    Sit With Your Sadness

    It seems like every day that something pops up on my news-feed telling me how to 'think myself happy.' It's become a cultural preoccupation. But the illusion that we can live with a permanent smiley face does sadness a big disservice. Because while sadness and grief aren't 'fun' emotions, they're essential to living whole, healthy and

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  • Dec 02, 2015

    My Night With Oprah

    Earlier this week I spent an evening with Oprah. Yes, just me and Oprah... and about 12,000 of her other Australian fans. Having admired Oprah for many years, I'd been mildly nervous that I had my expectations set too high. I needn't have worried. What struck

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  • Nov 25, 2015

    Teach Your Kids To Handle Failure

    I can’t think of a single parent who doesn’t want their child to grow up to be happy, healthy and whole. But it requires walking a fine line. The line between protecting our kids from pain and teaching them to handle it; between supporting them

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  • Nov 04, 2015

    Be Kinder To Yourself

    Are you always getting down on yourself, forever focusing on where you've fallen short of the person you aspire to be, rather than celebrating how often you actually are? Today is my birthday! Thirty nine. Again. (Yeah, i know, it never gets tired :)) I

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  • Oct 19, 2015

    What are your beliefs costing you?

    On Sunday I decided to ‘show up’ at the starting line for the Melbourne half-marathon (21 kms, 13 miles). I’d been on the fence about whether to go ahead with it as, in between all my recent travels, I’d fallen off the rails with my

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  • Oct 14, 2015

    Name Fear To Tame Fear

    Need to find some "Tall Poppy Courage?" If you live in Australia, or have ever travelled here, you’ll have heard of the Tall Poppy Syndrome. It may sound like a medical condition, but it’s actually a cultural one, whereby people who become too successful (or aspire

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  • Oct 11, 2015

    Stop Comparing! It's A Race You'll Never Win!

    Growing up my mum always told me, "Margaret Mary, never compare yourself to others. It makes you either vain or bitter." It was good advice but, like all good advice, far easier said than done. Let’s face most of we mere mortals can be a

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  • Oct 01, 2015

    The Power Of Daily Rituals

    I’ve clocked up a lot of air miles over the last six months and stayed in more hotel rooms than I care to count. I didn’t plan it that way but I’ve had some amazing opportunities (like the chance to spend a week with Richard Branson) that

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  • Sep 14, 2015

    Need To Call It Quits?

    I recall once holding on to a pair shoes that made my feet ache every time I wore them for no other reason than I paid a lot for them. In hindsight, it was pretty stupid. I only remember thinking, “I need to get my

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  • Sep 02, 2015

    Deep Roots, Strong Wings.

    “Your children are not your children. They are sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They come through you but not from you. And though they are with you yet they belong not to you. You are the bows from which your children as

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  • Aug 31, 2015

    Resilience: Build "Muscles For Life"

    Albert Einstein once said that our problems cannot be solved at the same level of thinking at which they were created. It’s a powerful quote because, let’s face it, life is one long stream of “problems.” And in our increasingly uncertain and pressure-laden lives, building

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  • Aug 24, 2015

    Challenge Your Default

    We are all creatures of habit. The challenge is to create habits of thought and behavior that fuel our success and happiness, not stifle it. Indulge me for just a moment before reading further. Just cross your arms and once you have, uncross them and re-cross

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  • Aug 21, 2015

    What Makes A Marriage Last?

    Yesterday I signed up on the dating website AshleyMadison.com. If you hadn’t heard of it before this week as the place married people go to cheat on their spouses, then you probably did this week after a cyber attack by some morally righteous online vigilantes

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  • Aug 10, 2015

    Forget Doing It Perfectly. JUST-DO-IT!

    Over the last week I've been traveling around Australia speaking at numerous events - to bankers and realtors and, just this weekend, at the Business Chicks Movers and Breakers Conference in Australia's outback at Uluru (I posted some pics to Facebook yesterday - it was pretty spectacular!) Something

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  • Aug 10, 2015

    For The Sake Of What?

    I’ve just spent the last week travelling around Australia speaking at different conferences, including one with Business Chicks at Uluru in Australia's outback (I posted some pics to Facebook yesterday - it was pretty spectacular!) A common thread that weaves through all my talks is the importance of being intentional

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